Gender & SGBV
Healing past traumas and elevating the status of women and girls.Gender & SGBV in the DRC
More than half of the women in DRC have experienced physical violence and nearly 60% have experienced spousal violence.
DHS 2013-2014
PEP kits were distributed to SGBV survivors to help protect them from contracting HIV.
How ASSP is Working to Improve Gender and SGBV in the DRC
ASSP is improving gender and SGBV in the DRC by integrating women’s needs and access to care in the design of all of its programs. This included lowering cost for women to access health care, designing health facilities to assure they were appropriate for women’s needs, representation in community governance, priorities in access to water, and employment in construction teams.
Key Achievements
Fistula Repair
3,418 women with fistula benefited from restorative surgery during ASSP with a general success rate of 93%.
Most of these women had lived with fistula – ashamed and often isolated from their communities – for more than four years, largely due to barriers to accessing treatment.
Community Scorecards
The community scorecard program continues to give a voice to communities while also being an instrument for improving gender equity in healthcare delivery, as subgroups of women are established to make sure that they have weight in community health care decisions.
PEP Kits
ASSP provided 3,738SGBV survivors with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) kits to help protect them from contracting HIV.
family planning
ASSP continually outperformed in its provision of family planning services, a key activity in the effort towards gender equity by giving women choice and control over their reproductive schedules.
1,680,128 new acceptors of modern methods of family planning were recruited throughout the course of the project.
Girl Rising film
IMA partnered with the USAID-funded Engage project to focus on behavior change communication surrounding gender issues in a unique way. The Engage project came to IMA in need of help to fulfill their mission of showing the Girl Rising film in DRC. The film, which seeks to encourage girls’ education, has been shown to an estimated 700,000 people through ASSP’s Ambassador Program.
Promoting the status of women
Women have been hired and promoted to supervisory roles. They are actively participating in ongoing construction sites and represent 10%-30% of all construction workers. Although there is much more work to be done, these types of changes can slowly erode gender inequity over time.
read more about our work to promote the status of women in the drc
Gender & SGBV
Tushinde Technical Briefs:
Family Planning (pdf)
Mass Campaigns (pdf)
Psychosocial Care (pdf)
Trafficking-In-Persons (pdf)
Community-Based Trauma Healing (pdf)
Village Savings and Loan (pdf)
GBV Response Through Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Kit Procurement and Distribution IV - March 2023 (pdf)
ASSR - Gender Equality and Social Inclusion - June 2022 (pdf)
Tushinde Ujeuri - Counter Gender-Based Violence Program's HOLISTIC SEXUAL- AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPONSE MODEL - May 2019 (pdf)
SGBV Response through Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Kit Procurement and Distribution Phase II - February 2020 (English)(français)
PEP Kit Procurement in the DRC - January 2020 (pdf)
Girl Rising, ASSP-ENGAGE Final Report – March 2017 (pdf)
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