ASSP is made possible by the generous support of our international donors, as well as through the cooperation and partnership of the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

UK Aid – Primary

UK Aid is provided by the Department for International Development, which leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. DFID is ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit.


    1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1100        Washington, DC 20036


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Quarter 1 Results

Number of pregnant women who received three doses of IPT while attending antenatal care: 58,495Number and percentage of 1-yr-old children vaccinated against measles: 78,123Number of Couple Years of Protection (CYPs) achieved through family planning service provision:...

Saved by my Son: A Tushinde Ujeuri Success Story

"The support from the Tushinde program has restored my will to live." Tushinde Ujeuri Project brings hope to one survivor of sexual and gender-based violence in DRC It was mid afternoon, and my 10 year-old son and I were walking home from working in the fields. When...

Combatting Malnutrition in DRC: A Nutrition Success Story

Community relays in Ndesha, Kasai Central are successfully combatting malnutrition in the DRC thanks to ASSP's nutrition training. Combatting Malnutrition One Maman at a TimeMado Betu was a young child of two years and four months but was frail and unable to walk when...