• Number of pregnant women who received three doses of IPT while attending antenatal care: 258,144 102% 102%
  • Number and percentage of 1-yr-old children vaccinated against measles: 346,479 109% 109%
  • Number of Couple Years of Protection (CYPs) achieved through family planning service provision: 240,308 81% 81%
  • Number of deliveries attended by a skilled birth attendant: 384,535 107% 107%
  • Service utilization for curative services: 6,242,431 113% 113%
  • Number of pregnant women and children under one year of age who received a long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) through routine distribution (in health zones receiving ASSR support for routine distribution of LLINs): 217,756 96% 96%
  • Percent of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) survivors arriving at a health facility within 72 hours who have received PEP Kits: 89% 137% 137%
  • Number of health zones with a DHIS2 data quality score of 80% or more on the data quality reporting appraisal scheme: 33 100% 100%
  • Cumulative number of assisted health centers with at least one community score card exercise in the last 12 months: 369 96% 96%
  • Average number of CODESAs that were operational: 860 100% 100%
  • Percentage of days that health facilities report stock-outs of tracer drugs (DMPA, Oxytocin, SP, Zinc, Amoxicillin): 16.2% 84% 84%
  • Percentage of medicines that are wasted due to expiration as a proportion of overall stock at the provincial warehouse: .2% 100% 100%