Serving 9.7 million in five provinces of Congo

ASSP is implemented by a consortium of organizations that work together at all levels of the health system to implement nutrition, obstetric and neonatal care, family planning, immunization as well as water, hygiene and sanitation interventions.

Through this consortium, IMA and its partners also focus on the empowerment, accountability and capacity-building of local faith-based and non-government organizations and DRC’s Ministry of Health representatives to ensure sustainability and local investment.

Lead Agency

IMA World Health is a faith-based technical public health organization whose mission is to build healthier communities by collaborating with key partners to serve vulnerable people.

IMA has been working to strengthen the nation’s health care system and target diseases in the DRC since 2002. IMA directly implements ASSP in Nord Ubangi, Tshopo and Maniema and supports implementation in the Kasais with its implementing partner, Sanru.

implementing partner

SANRU is our implementing partner in Kasaï and Kasaï Central provinces. SANRU uses an integrated development approach to strengthen the capacity of sixty NGO-managed health zones for priority primary health care (PHC) interventions to a population of almost 10,000,000.

Priority PHC interventions include the Ministry of Health’s basic package of services (vaccinations, growth monitoring, and pre-natal care); malaria, HIV/AIDS, nutrition/Vit. A, water/sanitation, and endemic diseases such as TB and Onchocerciasis.

SANRU also strengthens health zone support systems for planning, management, training, supervision, information, supply lines, cost recovery, and behavior change communications.

SANRU assists national programs and other projects to implement their policies, protocols and training at the health zone level.

technical assistance

  • Tulane University

    (in collaboration with the University of Kinshasa, School of Public Health)
    Monitoring and evaluation

  • Pathfinder

    Women’s health, gender-based violence, reproductive health and family planning

  • HISP

    HISP is the technical partner for the health information systems program

  • IntraHealth

    Human resources development, iHRIS


    1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1100        Washington, DC 20036




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