Access to primary health care project | Accès au Soins de Santé Primaire


The Access to Primary Health Care program, known locally as ASSP, uses a health systems strengthening approach. ASSP collaborates with the Ministry of Health, or MOH, at the national and provincial levels, giving focused support to health zones, health facilities, and community levels. In addition, IMA and its partners ensure that more than 75% of the project resources are concentrated within the health zones. In other words, the majority of funds pay for programs that provide for service delivery, empowerment, accountability and capacity building of local community service organizations, partners and MOH representatives.



    WHO Pillars of Health Systems Strengthening

    The ASSP program is structured around the six WHO pillars of health systems strengthening:

    1. Enhanced health service delivery and quality;
    2. Improved and sustained human resources;
    3. Enhanced and appropriate use of medicines and technologies;
    4. Increased affordability of health services;
    5. Appropriate and enhanced use of health services; and
    6. Increased leadership and governance.

    The project supports 9.7 million people across 52 health zones.

    ASSP works in five provinces: Kasaï, Kasaï Central, Maniema, Nord-Ubangui, and Tshopo.

    Where We Work

    ASSP supports DRC’s National Health Development Plan. Specifically, we work to improve access to and coverage of primary health care services.

    ASSP aims to strengthen priority interventions such as the treatment of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea. In addition, its programs work to strengthen nutrition, obstetrics and neonatal care, family planning, immunization, and water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions. Most importantly, all of its services are delivered through the existing health system. Therefore ensuring the sustainability of the programs implemented. These intervention packages are aimed at improving maternal and child health. Thus allowing the DRC to achieve significant progress towards reaching Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6.

    read more about our work to improve access to primary health care in the drc


    ASSR Case Study: Drug Management - June 2022 (pdf)

    ASSR Success Story: Drug Management - June 2022 (pdf)

    DFID and the SIDA allocated £182,899,146 to support the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s efforts to improve the health of its citizens. Accordingly, IMA World Health was selected as the lead organization to implement ASSP and in collaboration with the MOH. In addition, four implementing partners support the program at the provincial level: SANRU, World Vision, CARITAS and International Rescue Committee. Finally, four technical partners provide assistance at the national level: Tulane University (Operational Research), Pathfinder (Reproductive Health and Family Planning), HISP (Health Information Systems) and IntraHealth (Human Resource Information Systems).


        1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1100        Washington, DC 20036


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